Question 1:

#Assign to the variable n_dims a single random integer between 3 and 10.
n_dims <- as.integer(runif(1, min=3,max=10))

#Create a vector of consecutive integers from 1 to n_dims2.
New_Vec <- (1:(n_dims)^2)

# Use the sample function to randomly reshuffle these values.
New_Vec <- sample(New_Vec)

# create a square matrix with these elements and print
New_Matrix <- matrix(New_Vec, ncol = n_dims)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]   48    6   22   63   52    3   60   11
## [2,]   64   36   41   61   62   10   57   56
## [3,]   42   50   32   45   20   16   14    5
## [4,]    9   58   46   30   44   26   43   53
## [5,]    7   40   23   35   37   29   12    8
## [6,]   17   24   27   31    1   51   34   55
## [7,]   21   28   25   49   15   33   59    2
## [8,]   38    4   13   19   18   47   39   54
#Find a function in r to transpose the matrix and print
T_Matrix <- t(New_Matrix)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]   48   64   42    9    7   17   21   38
## [2,]    6   36   50   58   40   24   28    4
## [3,]   22   41   32   46   23   27   25   13
## [4,]   63   61   45   30   35   31   49   19
## [5,]   52   62   20   44   37    1   15   18
## [6,]    3   10   16   26   29   51   33   47
## [7,]   60   57   14   43   12   34   59   39
## [8,]   11   56    5   53    8   55    2   54
#calculate the sum and the mean of the elements in the first row and then the last row.
## [1] 246
## [1] 30.75
print(sum(T_Matrix[row = n_dims,]))
## [1] 244
## [1] 30.5
#read about the eigen() function and use it on your matrix. Figure out the type of values.
eigen_T <- eigen(T_Matrix)

## [1] "complex"
## [1] "complex"

Question 2

Create a list with the following named elements

#my_matrix, which is a 4 x 4 matrix filled with random uniform values
my_matrix <- matrix(runif(16),nrow=4)

#my_logical which is a 100-element vector of TRUE or FALSE values. Do this efficiently by setting up a vector of random values and then applying an inequality to it.
my_logical<- runif(100)>.5 

#my_letters, which is a 26-element vector of all the lower-case letters in random order.
my_letters<- sample(letters) 

#Create a new list, which has the element[2,2] from the matrix, the second element of the logical vector, and the second element of the letters vector.
new_list <- list(my_matrix[2,2], my_logical[2], my_letters[2])

#Confirm underlying data types
## [1] "list"
## [1] "double"
## [1] "logical"
## [1] "character"
#Combine the list and determine vector type 
new_vector <- c(new_list[[1]], new_list[[2]], new_list[[3]])
## [1] "character"

Question 3

Create a data frame with the two variables (= columns) and 26 cases (= rows) below:

#call the first variable my_unis and fill it with 26 random uniform values from 0 to 10
my_unis <-runif(26, min=0, max=10)

# call the second variable my_letters and fill it with 26 capital letters in random order
my_letters <- sample(LETTERS)

my_df <- data.frame(my_unis, my_letters)

#For the first variable, use a single line of code in R to select 4 random rows and replace the numerical values in those rows with NA
my_df[sample(1:26,4), 1]<-NA

# For the first variable, write a single line of R code to identify which rows have the missing values.
print(my_df[$my_unis), ])
##    my_unis my_letters
## 1       NA          R
## 10      NA          M
## 11      NA          X
## 17      NA          Z
#re-order the entire data frame to arrange the second variable in alphabetical order
my_df[order(my_df$my_letters), ]
##     my_unis my_letters
## 16 8.439341          A
## 21 8.726806          B
## 14 5.010916          C
## 20 9.585449          D
## 4  7.703134          E
## 2  7.672912          F
## 8  1.181397          G
## 18 4.998003          H
## 5  1.637224          I
## 7  4.569551          J
## 26 8.226695          K
## 19 4.430863          L
## 10       NA          M
## 15 6.804063          N
## 12 3.553432          O
## 25 5.500267          P
## 3  4.524800          Q
## 1        NA          R
## 6  7.681998          S
## 23 1.991878          T
## 22 6.492096          U
## 9  3.155066          V
## 24 6.716163          W
## 11       NA          X
## 13 3.480109          Y
## 17       NA          Z
#Calculate the column mean for the first variable.
print(mean(my_df$my_unis, na.rm=TRUE))
## [1] 5.549189
# if(my_df$my_letters== sample(LETTERS, 4))
  # {
  # my_df$my_unis<-NA
# }
  # replace(my_df$my_unis, NA)

# sample(my_df$my_unis, 4)